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Archives of Queries replied by Niru Gupta


want to buy your books pl help me get them or tell me thename of the publisher who cd deliver them
Query posted by : asha kumar on 7-Jun-2014

You could either write to varietybookdepot@gmail.com. these are my distributors. Alternatively I stock them also so you could write to me.

bread pudding
Query posted by : geeta on 3-Jun-2014

how was it

In your barfi recipe at the web site, http://cooks.ndtv.com/recipe/show/besankibarfi100465, an item called "khoya" is mentioned, but it is not listed with the ingredients. Which dairy product do you recommend and in what quantity?
Query posted by : Andie on 15-Apr-2014

Do ignore the site recipe (I will correct it right away). this is it:Besan Ki Barfi

Besan 2 cups (240 g)
Sugar 1 cup (240 g)
Water 1/2 cup (125 ml)
Ghee 1 cup (240 g)
Blanched and sliced almonds to decorate

Fry the besan in ghee on low flame for about 30 mins till it brown and ghee separates.
Dissolve the sugar into the water over low heat.
When it dissolves, bring to a boil and cook till thick enough--take some between your fingers and pull apart, 2 threads should form.
Add this syrup to the besan and mix well.
Pour this mixture into a greased tray.
When it cools cut into cubes and garnish with the almonds.

first of all love u mom, how to remove the fish skin before the cooking its difficult to remove give me the tip please
Query posted by : sheeba rani on 24-Feb-2014

It is easier to see this done, so here is a link to a site which explains it. It does take a bit of practice and needs a sharp knife:


Hello mam,

please i am waiting for your expert advice as to what oven should i invest in microwave with convection or an OTG with turbo fan if i want to use it for baking only.

thanks in advance
Query posted by : ranjita pathak on 23-Jan-2014

I have just answered your query.

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